DESTINY. It's an intimidating word isn't it? Stark and
defining. Sounds like it should be spoken in a deep voice and echo off the
walls. DESTINY.
It's daunting. Uncertain. Both terrifying and exhilarating.
Its what every cell of our being hopes to achieve. Where we long to be. And
what we don't dare to dream for ourselves. All that could be and all that we
aren't bold enough to even consider possible. It's our calling. Our purpose on
this planet. That one thing we were uniquely created for. And that one thing
we'll be remembered for when we leave. We long for it. We anticipate its
coming, or our getting there. We're chomping at the bits to begin it. Wondering
why it's taking so long to initiate. And yet, it's always out there. Somewhere
distant in the future. least for now.
Lately, I've been thinking about destiny. Asking myself what
it is I long to do. Daring myself to dream bigger. Allowing myself to boldly
imagine what my destiny could be.
And as I search my heart for fiery passions and undefiled
dreams, as I begin to see recurring themes in the ideas and thoughts springing
up...I find myself asking, what about
now? How is what I'm doing now preparing me for that destiny? How will this
season get me there? When will I move out of this season and into that destiny?
And most what I'm doing
now moving me toward or away from the destiny I'm daring to dream for myself?
That's the first
step. Daring to dream it. Allowing yourself to enter that vulnerable place
of letting your heart and mind imagine all they desire to do in this life. It
takes guts to say the least. Because we risk disappointment. And we risk what
we think is failure, even though it wouldn't be failure since what really
matters is that we try. But we also risk
transformation. And I think that scares us more than the risk of
disappointment or failure. Because as soon as we allow ourselves the room to
dream, we eliminate all the rules. Barriers are broken and lines are crossed.
Suddenly, our passions are alive and in control. Obligations are no longer an
excuse to say no to our destiny. Bills to pay, family to provide for, other
people's needs to meet. Those aren't enough to convince us NOT to do what we
were created to do anymore.
It's like our brain takes a backseat and our heart grabs the
wheel, hits the gas, and speeds off into the horizon. If we're bold enough to
dream, thoughts like "I don't have what it takes," "that's for
someone else," or "I don't have time for that," disappear in an
instant. We are empowered to make it happen. Suddenly, we're unstoppable. A
force to be reckoned with. We go all in. One hundred percent dedicated. Mission
minded. And we are totally transformed.
I think that's our
number one fear. Not that we'll fail or be disappointed by how it turns out.
But that we'll abandon all that's preventing us from stepping into our destiny,
be empowered by our passions, and actually DO IT. Because if we dare to
dream...if we say yes...we will.
But most of us won't. Because we're too afraid of transformation.
We don't want to be that radically abandoned to everything else but our deepest
desires, strongest passions, and wildest dreams. So we make excuses. And carry
on in our average lives. Doing what we feel we have to do. Leaving our very own unique destiny unclaimed.
Untouched. Unlived.
We have to dare to dream. And I think that's the first step.
But I've also been realizing that what comes next is just as important. We need to intentionally choose to move toward our destiny. We must live
intentionally. Constantly taking steps that move toward rather than away from
our destiny. Always asking if what we're doing has a purpose directly connected
to where we want to be. It doesn't have to look like the end result. At first
it may be hard to connect the dots. But our steps need to be moving in that
direction. No matter how slowly we take them or how long and indirect the path
may seem. If we want our destiny, we must be willing to move toward it.
Baby steps or giant
strides. All that matters is that our feet are pointed in the right direction.
And when we notice they aren't...when we notice we are stuck in a season that
pushes us further backwards rather than forwards or closer to something else
but just not closer to that something we've claimed as our life's desire...we
must proactively depart, turn away, and reposition ourselves. Aligning with our
passions. And letting our heart lead us back on track.
This obviously comes with its challenges, but the next piece
is the hardest one for me to grasp.
Your destiny isn't
just this faint dot in the distance. Its also now. Because its about the
journey. Each season, no matter how long, trying, or seemingly unimportant
is part of your destiny. Because it leads you to the next chapter. The next
piece of the puzzle that your brain just can't seem to put together. Recently I
heard someone say: God cares less about how quickly you reach your destiny than he does
about how you get there. It pretty much stopped me in my tracks.
The journey is integral.
As valuable as the destination. Preparing, strengthening, and equipping you for
what's coming. Growing you into the person you want to be when you get there.
And so it's a balance of allowing yourself to dream all that
your soul longs for. Allowing yourself boldness to say, I want this in life. And living intentionally
to ensure you constantly move toward rather than away from it. All while
embracing and being present in every moment it takes to get there. Simple,
right? Conceptually, yeah. Its about as simple as it gets:
1) Dare to dream your destiny.
2) Intentionally move toward it.
3) Embrace the journey along the way.
It's not quite as easy to implement as it is to comprehend. But
it's about honoring your passions, practicing intentionality, and learning to
be present. All daunting tasks to be sure. But addicting and absolutely
transformative once you start. Its your choice. But you have the power to live
the very destiny for which God created you. Now and in the future. You simply
have to say yes.
And I think we owe it to world, God, and ourselves to do
just that. Imagine what this world would look like if each of us did...