Radnor has become my refuge. The perfect escape. My own Green Cathedral. Where peace emanates throughout. Cares wisp away in the wind. Obligations and to-do lists sink to the lake bottom. The hazy fog is pealed back from my strained and weary eyes, and brightness seeps in. Brilliant colors glisten on the water's surface.
My eyes, before heavy laden, accustomed to being stuck only on the screen dead in front of me, are finally light enough to gaze into the distance. Beyond the lake and into the trees. Up past their tallest branches and into the sky. I am no longer constrained by a small space I inhabit between man-made walls. Limits are no more.
I can smell the freedom in the scent of pine. Hear the possibilities in the chatter of the birds. They live uninhibited, wings stretched wide, flying from tree to tree. Flowing swiftly with the wind, or fighting against it if they so please. Freedom is their very means of existence. Their breath of life. They chirp profound whispers in my direction...
Imagine the brilliant sun warming your back. The undiscovered colors and smells and sensations. Transformation awaits you up here. Come experience weightlessness and ease. An indescribable peace will accompany you on this unpredictable journey. And up here, you will become who you were created to be.
So, will you believe in your wildest dreams again? So you can spread your wings and fly with us? Believe and you will find freedom that puts that which resonates here on the ground at Radnor to shame. Just believe."
The birds beckon me with their song. One that I'm certain they sing for me alone. And just like that, I am lost in the depths of my wildest dreams. Watching them dance gracefully in technicolor reflections atop the ripples of Radnor Lake. And I just might be on my way to believing once again...
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