Friday, March 16, 2012

A walk down Main St.

These early morning walks to church for WooHOP have been incredible. The weather is so different at seven or eight in the morning than it ends up being later on in the day. On Tuesday, I got to walk to the Woo in the pouring rain. And after leaving, it was only slightly misty. Later on that day became one of the sunniest and warmest days we've had in a long time. Then the next day there was this huge, incredible, gray fog. It was so thick, you could barely see anything in front of you. So deep and mysterious. Yet upon leaving church, the fog was gone. And that afternoon, I ended up wearing a tank top and taking a nap on a blanket in the warm sunshine.

Lately I have been struggling to find time to rest. To find peace int he chaos. Time for God in the business. I've been frustrated that I haven't had time to write. Something I've always loved, but only recently realized is one of my true passions. That I want to intentionally invest in. I've been angry that all I have time for lately is doing. Going places. Attending classes and meetings. Running home for a quick meal and to trade my books in between.

My life has been full of DOING.

And I keep asking...why?

Craving...time. Rest. Peace. Freedom.

And yesterday, as I walked down Main Street on my way back from the Woo, God showed up.

As I stared at the beautiful diverse community around me. Noticed the sun trying desperately to peak through the clouds. Felt the cool wind rush accross my cold cheeks. Enjoyed the steady rythm of my boots pressing into the brick beneath my feet.

I heard God whisper...

"A walk is enough.
     And each day,
          I've been blessing you with two."

Wow. Hello! Wake up, Jessie! Its time to be called out on your shit. God has been BLESSING you with two beautiful opportunities to experience His peace and feel His presence. Every morning this week as you walk down Main.

But you've been so focused on all the doing, all the peace that's missing...that you haven't even noticed. You've been begging God to show up and provide you with peace and rest and joy in the midst of chaos...

And He IS.

He answered your call, your prayer. And you've been too caught up in how badly you needed it, that you didn't even notice Him respond with a beautiful answer. You couldn't receive His blessing.

As I walked down Main, I had this enlightening conversation with myself. And I often do we do this? Get so caught up in what we're praying for, what we need...that we don't even notice when God faithfully comes through and gives it to us?

How many of us are still praying for peace and stillness, when God has already given that to us in a walk down Main St. In not one...but two walks down Main St. Every day.

I've been so caught up in asking, that I've been incapable of receiving. Blind to seeing your answer right before my eyes.

Help us to see You wherever and however You choose to show up. Help us focus less on how desperate and needy we are for You to act. And more on how You're answering our prayers. Help us have the eyes to see You move. The ears to hear you whisper ever so faintly with an answer. Continue to call us out when we don't. Wake us up to all that You're faithfully doing around us. So that we may never miss Your beautiful answers to our desperate whatever perfect yet hard to notice form in which you deliver them to us.


  1. BAM! Very cool - I'm glad this prayer thing has been such a blessing for you - I've been having similar experiences

  2. I will echo Adrian's BAM!!! Amen!!! What a beautiful picture of His love!!! Keep writing! You are a talented blessing!!! Thanks for sharing this.

  3. ...actually, this is Lucas.
    This is super beautiful and all, but still my favorite line is "Its time to be called out on your shit", of course. :)

  4. Thank you everyone for your encouragement! I truly appreciate hearing feedback on my posts. And Lucas, I cannot tell you how many times that is my initial reaction to hearing God speak. There's just no better phrase for it :)
